Wednesday 8 October 2008

media breif

The brief I have chosen is 6th formers I chose this brief as I myself am a 6th former and I am able to know what they like and dislike more than a year 7.Targeting 6th formers will be the core people I am targeting, I am going to be targeting both genders so the magazine can appeal to the whole of 6th form.The working title so far for my magazine is WORDZ, I have recently changed form Criteria to WORDZ, and I feel that WORDZ is more of an appealing title than Criteria. Criteria is more of a high brow magazine title where as I feel WORDZ is not. WORDZ keeps the magazine to be more of a leisure magazine with some academic values as well. The general idea behind the magazine is to keep the 6th former magazine a combination of academic and leisure articles, which will keep the typical 6th former interested to read every issue. It will cover a whole range of topics from how to get success in exams to, who is dating who in 6th form. This particular magazine will promote such things as revision guides as it is a school magazine to cinema’s to promote the leisure actives that the typical 6th former will spend their weekend doing.At the moment I am planning the style of the cover to be bright and eye catching with a primary image of a 6th former and then the secondary image will also consist of 6th formers.At the moment my cover shot will be of 6th formers in the common room, this could change as I am going to take different pictures and then chose the one that I feel most confident for my magazine.The cover shot I will be doing is a mid shot this limits to what I can chose my actors to be doing, as I can not have them playing a sport like football as a mid shot will not show what they are doing, therefore I will have to think carefully of my cover shot.The content of the magazine will be a mix of academic cover lines “5 top tips to pass your exams” and “Mrs Mason all you have ever wanted to know” this sort of content will verify to keep the readers interested in the magazine having the content on all academic subjects will get tedious for the readers and will not appeal to them as much. On the cover I will uses a variety of language, I will use normal English, to slang that is used on text messages and social networking sites such as lol, tbh ect. Using this language will let the target audience know that it is aimed at them and that the cover is fun, this suggests that the whole magazine is not that boring.The magazine I am producing offers a magazine that Is not currently in the market for teenagers at 6th form or college it covers serious topics to silly topics, school magazines are generally boring where as the magazine I am producing offers a serious yet fun magazine that will catch the eye of any 6th former.

Mission Statement

The BCHS Sixth Former shouldn’t be stereotyped they are amazing individuals. It combines academic and leisure in a way that makes it easy reading. It is full of capturing stories regarding student life and sensational tales of teachers that you didn’t think you’d know about. A glossy and stylish magazine that will lift your mood and help you to succeed later on in life. A fascinating magazine, that you really need to read.

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